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Check iPhone & iPad for Refurbishment Status using IMEI
1,99 $3,99 $ (-50%)
A refurbishment check is a mean for a user to find out the Refurbishment status of an iPhone or iPad. This check will tell you whether the device was device repaired by Apple for the purpose of re-sell. When you take a look at an iPhone looking like a brand new one, there is no sign on its body telling you is it actually brand new or refurbished device.
Check Refurbishment Status service by IMEI.TOOLS allows you to remotely check the Refurbishment Status of your Apple device using Global Service Exchange Database (GSX) which is official massive data information collected by Apple. All you need to do is submit your device IMEI in the application form.
Please note: If you want to check Apple Refurbishment status for more than one device, you can submit bulk orders. Enter all your IMEI numbers one per line into the application form. Also, our service supports the credit system, so you can create an account and charge it for any amount convenient for you. Need a bulk price? Please contact us!
Your account will be created automatically. It will contain information about your order and payment status. A temporary password will be emailed to you. Missing Emails? Have you checked your Spam Folder?
What is Apple’s refurbished?
Typical refurbished iPhone, iPad, or any other gadgets is the device repaired by Apple for the purpose of re-sell. iPhones can also be repaired by a third party, which is a retailer, carrier or vendor, in case some hardware, battery or other issues came up in the device. Another refurbished option is that an iPhone was issued to a customer as a replacement by Apple via service request.
What does Check Apple Refurbishment Status service report include?
Check Refurbishment Status service report will include information on device IMEI and Refurbishment status itself.
Example of Check Apple Refurbishment Status Report
Here is an example of Check Apple Refurbishment Status report which you can get by using our online check tools:
Model: iPhone XS Max 64GB Silver Cellular [A1921] [iPhone11,4] IMEI: 353099101495948 IMEI2: 353099101260284 Serial Number: F2LY713ZKPHD Warranty Status: Out Of Warranty Estimated Purchase Date: 2018-12-13 Replaced: No Carrier: US SPECTRUM MOBILE LOCKED POLICY Country: United States Last Activation Country: United States Simlock: LOCKED FMI: ON iCloud: CLEAN Blacklist Status: BLACKLISTED Blacklisted On: 2019-07-16 09:09:28 Blacklisted By: Verizon Wireless Blacklisted Country: United States
Usual Delivery Time
Please note, that the delivery time can be extended on weekends and holidays! You can check order delivery status at the ORDER TRACKING page and also in your personal account. You will receive an email notification when your order will get the Completed status. In case of incorrect IMEI or Serial Number entering in the order form, you’ll receive NOT FOUND \ NOT COMPLETED status and the payment amount will be automatically credited to your account. You can re-order the IMEI check service using your credit balance.
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Time Delivery | 1-5 minutes |
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